December 29, 2023

By Solly Kane
President & CEO


At this time of year, many people are talking about new year’s resolutions – whether it’s a promise to eat healthier, spend less time on social media, or finally start learning that instrument that has just been collecting dust on a shelf – there is lots of talk about what changes people are looking for in the year ahead.

What strikes me about resolutions is they oftentimes fall by the wayside quickly. I think that is because a “resolution” is an idea or a proclamation – it doesn’t actually require any action. On the other hand, to be “resolute” about something requires action. According to the Cambridge dictionary, to be resolute is to be “determined in character, action, or ideas.”

As the calendar turns to 2024, I hope you will join me in being resolute in making the year ahead a brighter one for the Jewish community here in Puget Sound, in Israel, and around the world.

I’m resolute in leading our Federation team into the new year, in partnership with leaders across our community, as together we stand up against the rampant rise of antisemitism. Our Jewish community needs the support and action of people of good conscience speaking out against words of hate, acts of violence, and threats to our community, whenever they occur.

And, I’m resolute in growing the important work the Federation does building and strengthening Jewish community and Jewish life for people at home and around the world.

The work of the Federation is only possible when our community comes together in support, and I hope you will join me in making a gift to the Federation before the year ends at this urgent moment of need for the Jewish community.

And, as the calendar nears January 1, I encourage you to think about what are you resolute to do in the year ahead!

Shabbat shalom,