Become an Institutional Member of the JCRC!

Institutional Membership Application for JCRC of the Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle

Thank you for your interest in joining the Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC) as an institutional member! Please reach out to the JCRC team at with any questions.

Any Jewish organization or congregation in the greater Seattle area may appoint one representative, who will become a member of the Council if that institution meets all the following criteria and is voted in as a member institution:

  1. The institution is a not-for-profit organization that is exempt from federal income tax or a local chapter of a national not-for-profit organization that has been continuously in existence for at least two (2) years prior to the date of application.
  2. The institution serves a local constituency defined as a group of program participants, donors, board members, beneficiaries, and/or members.
  3. The organization contains at least 100 donors, beneficiaries, or units of membership in the greater Seattle area who have reached the age of majority and who have the right, pursuant to the organization’s charter, constitution, or by-laws if such charter, constitution, or by-laws exist, to elect officers or establish policy of the organization. Any institution at which electing officers or setting policy is the purview of the Board of Directors, not the membership, also is eligible for membership on the Council.
  4. The institution values the importance of community relations.
  5. The institution formally stipulates that it is aligned with the JCRC mission, vision, core goals and principles.
  6. The institution has a purpose, goals, programs, and activities that are consistent with the JCRC’s mission and vision; and will not bring discredit to the JCRC.
  7. The institution has a mission that engages the Jewish community through education, spiritual practice, service, social services, and/or civic engagement.
  8. The institution does not endorse candidates and is non-partisan in nature.

Only the parent institution located in the Greater Seattle area shall be eligible to appoint a member to the Council. Sub-groups, sub-organizations, or committees, however denominated, associated with a larger or parent greater Seattle institution shall not be independently and separately eligible to appoint members to the Council. Regional offices of national organizations are eligible for institutional

membership as long as they have a regional advisory body. Where multiple chapters of a national organization exist, a combined 100 units of memberships, donors, or beneficiaries is required, and representation on the Council will be on a regional basis rather than for each chapter.

The above criteria are the minimum basis for eligibility for membership. The Advisory Board has the discretion to recommend or not recommend and the Council has the discretion to approve or not approve an institution for membership.

Institutions seeking JCRC membership shall submit their cover letter and other required information (via Google form) during the spring application period to the JCRC at who will submit it to the JCRC Advisory Board.


  1. Institutions will submit applications.
  2. The Advisory Board will review all applications and may recommend eligible institutions to the Council for approval.
  3. If the Advisory Board recommends approval, such recommendation shall be submitted to the Council.
  4. Approval of institutional membership and at-large members of the Council shall require a seventy-five percent (75%) affirmative vote of those present and voting at a Council meeting, provided a quorum has been reached.

Applications will include the following:

  • A short cover letter explaining interest and rationale for consideration.
  • The completion of a Google form attesting to meeting the criteria for membership, which will include:
    • How many years the institution has been in existence;
    • How many residents of the area are served by the institution as donors, beneficiaries, or units of membership;
    • A formal stipulation that the institution is in agreement with sections D, E, F and G as outlined above and that the institution shall allow its name to be publicly identified as associated with the JCRC;
    • The institution is a not-for-profit entity that is exempt from federal income taxes; and
    • A description of the programs, activities, and practices of the applicant institution (this section may take the form of an annual report, institutional brochures, etc.)
    • Any additional materials relevant to the application for membership.

Contact information for the lead volunteer and lead professional for the institution’s application.

The number of representatives from any member institution (with the exception of the Federation) shall be one voting delegate.

All Council Members are expected to:

  • Regularly attend Council meetings and other JCRC events. Remote participation at Council meetings will always be an option.
  • Work for the wellbeing and success of the JCRC, including promoting its mission and work to the broader Jewish and non-Jewish communities. 
  • Respect and abide by the norms and the rules of the JCRC—including adhering to a commitment to civil discourse and respecting the Chair’s requests for confidentiality.
  • Reflect the views of organizations they officially represent while working together for the good of the Jewish community.
  • Respond to time-sensitive requests for input on actions or policy positions as an individual, if at-large, or on behalf of the institution represented, as able.
  • Share with their organization the work of the JCRC and bring issues of concern to the JCRC.
  • Contribute a meaningful annual financial gift to the Jewish Federation’s annual campaign; 
  • Subscribe to the JCRC’s mission, vision, and strategic approach.
  • Please find the full Council Member role description here.

Member Institutions shall:

  • Appoint a representative to the Council, ensuring that whenever possible, lay leader representatives are actively involved in the institution’s leadership.
  • Encourage active participation in the Council by their representatives.
  • Mobilize their constituencies to engage and advocate on issues recommended by the JCRC.

All members of the JCRC are eligible to serve up to three consecutive two-year terms.